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This page links to the crowd-sourced “Rogue Basin Post-Fire Restoration Resources Sharing Spreadsheet.

The spreadsheet connects those impacted by the Rogue Valley fires to resources and information from other residents, restoration practitioners, and agencies. It is being updated with new tabs and information as much as possible. Please share widely!

Please DO NOT create new tabs in this spreadsheetPlease DO NOT change the sharing settings. If you have suggestions for new tabs or other improvements, send them to: [email protected].

The sheet’s tabs allow anyone to post information on:

Decision Making & Idea Sharing

  • Upcoming meetings
  • Water quality & instream work
  • Erosion eontrol & inasives control work
  • Invasive species locations
  • Greenway long-term visioning
  • Other resources


  • Funding leads
  • Funding & match requests

Contact Info & Volunteer Efforts

  • Contact info for individuals and organizations
  • Volunteer opportunities
  • Supplies and materials sharing

Please note that this spreadsheet and the information it contains is being shared publicly. Anyone with the shareable link can view and edit this spreadsheet. Input personal information at your own risk. Also note that information will be updated on a regular basis, however it is recommended that you do your own due diligence.