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Instream Flow Prioritization Tool

In conjunction with various Rogue Basin Partnership members, Trout Unlimited and its Science Team has developed the Rogue Basin Instream Flow Prioritization Tool.

This data visualization and mapping tool distills complex watershed ecosystem and water rights data into a user-friendly interactive tool, with the goal of honing in on subwatersheds of the Rogue Basin that could benefit from increased instream flows by creating better habitat for at-risk aquatic species.

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Riparian Extent and Status Tool (REST)

The Freshwater Trust (TFT), an RBP member, has been engaged in a number of riparian restoration projects in the Rogue since 2012, and has used the past four years of programming to develop prioritization and design protocols for a full manner of projects. In 2015, the Rogue Restoration Action Plan committee charged TFT as a lead entity for building out a prioritization strategy for riparian revegetation for the basin. This project, the buildout of the Riparian Extent and Status Tool (REST), has become a vehicle for that effort.