Applegate Partnership and Watershed Council works to promote ecosystem health across the Applegate watershed through stewardship, education and restoration carried out in partnership with landowners, agencies and other interested parties while contributing to local economic and community well-being. Read More.

The City of Ashland water conservation program is dedicated to preserving water resources for the community of Ashland. Through community education and advocacy for resource conservation we can ensure that our precious water resource will be here to serve the City of Ashland for years to come. Read More.

The Beaver Coalition empowers humans to partner with beaver through education, science, advocacy, and process-based restoration. Read More.

Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians natural resources program works to protect and enhance Tribal lands, natural resources on these lands, and the Tribe’s aboriginal and cultural heritage, ensuring that all natural and cultural resources are managed in a sustainable, well balanced manner that reflects the ecological, cultural, and economic priorities of the Tribe. Read More.

Illinois Valley Soil & Water Conservation District is a local conservation leader in the Illinois Valley, committed to conserve, restore, and enhance the natural environment. They provide free, non-regulatory services and consultation to landowners, and may be able to provide grant funding and assistance for improvement projects. Read More.

Illinois Valley Watershed Council works to promote the recovery of anadromous fish stocks in the Rogue Basin by improving natural resource conditions and fish habitat in the Illinois Valley.

Jackson Soil and Water Conservation District is dedicated to helping the people of Jackson County protect and conserve their natural resources. They work with both individuals and communities to analyze and implement science-based solutions to various resource concerns, while still protecting the cultural, social and economic values of Jackson County. Read More.

Lomakatsi Restoration Project is a non-profit, grassroots organization that develops and implements forest and watershed restoration projects in Oregon and northern California. They work to restore ecosystems and the sustainability of communities, cultures and economies. Read More.

Lower Rogue Watershed Council represents the broad and diverse geographic areas and community interests in the watershed and works collaboratively with these interests and landowners to develop and carry out voluntary watershed protection, restoration, enhancement, and community engagement activities. Read More.

Medford Water Commission operates and maintains the water system that delivers high-quality drinking water to about 131,000 Rogue Valley residents. Read More.

Native Fish Society utilizes the best-available science and its network of grassroots River Stewards to advocate for the protection and recovery of wild, native fish across the Pacific Northwest. Read More.

Rogue Riverkeeper works to protect and restore water quality and fish populations in the Rogue River Basin and adjacent coastal watersheds through enforcement, advocacy, field work and community action. Read More.

Rogue River Watershed Council promotes stewardship of the Rogue River Watershed through restoration, education and community involvement. Read More.

Rogue Valley Council of Governments natural resources department works with communities and partners in the Rogue River Basin to conserve and enhance the health of our watersheds by facilitating the development and implementation of regional strategies, and by providing technical and educational assistance. Read More.

Southern Oregon Climate Action Now promotes awareness and understanding about the causes and consequences of climate change, to develop solutions, and to motivate concerned citizens to take individual and collective action. Read More.

Southern Oregon Forest Restoration Collaborative works directly with community partners and federal land managers, who oversee two-thirds of Southwest Oregon lands, to find common ground and help create sound, science-based federal forest plans. Read More.

Southern Oregon Land Conservancy works to protect and enhance precious land in the Rogue River region to benefit our human and natural communities. Read More.

The Freshwater Trust works to preserve and restore freshwater ecosystems by: delivering high-quality habitat and stream restoration projects; developing replicable market-based models for watershed-scale restoration; and creating a sustainable business model that can provide funding for stream restoration in the Pacific Northwest. Read More

Trout Unlimited is a national non-profit organization with 150,000 members dedicated to conserving, protecting and restoring North America’s coldwater fisheries and their watersheds. Read More.

WaterWatch of Oregon works to protect and restore flows in our rivers to sustain the native fish, wildlife, and the people who depend on healthy rivers. Read More.

Water League is a nonprofit that works to engage the public in the stewardship of the water that is theirs. Under Oregon law, all water belongs to the public.

Center for Social Ecology + Public Policy is a registered nonprofit consulting firm, serving government and institutional clients both nationally and globally. Our mission is to empower community members, organizational staff, and policy-makers to develop mutually beneficial solutions that promote productive harmony and sustainable development.