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Lomakatsi Restoration Project is a non-profit, grassroots organization that develops and implements forest and watershed restoration initiatives, programs and projects in Oregon and northern California. Lomakatsi’s mission is to “restore ecosystems and the sustainability of communities, cultures and economies”. We have helped restore ecological balance across thousands of
acres of forests and miles of streams for the past 24 years. Our work has set precedent on nationally recognized projects.

Restoring ecosystems requires a collaborative, community-based approach. We facilitate partnerships and engage a diversity of groups. Our partners include federal and state land management agencies, Native American tribes, land trusts, conservation organizations, industry, private landowners, city and county governments, and watershed councils.

With a staff of 45 full time and an additional 40 seasonal employees, we provide expertise and capacity in program development, planning, management, detailed ecological restoration design, monitoring and restoration implementation. Lomakatsi coordinates closely with multiple funding partners and manages a diverse workforce in complex social settings.

habitat and plant communities for oak associated wildlife, and increase the reintroduction of fire for resiliency and long-term maintenance of ecosystems. Streams and riparian zones for fish and wildlife habitat are also included in these efforts. Our education programs provide students, teachers and community members with hands-on restoration ecology education. The community engages in educational opportunities through forums, presentations, and workshops that inspire the next generation of natural resource professionals through live classroom, experiential learning.

Lomakatsi brings added capacity to address socio-economic challenges faced by rural, forest and rangeland-based communities, by layering education, workforce training and business development programs into all our initiatives. This has become a job creation mechanism with hundreds of new and existing forest and ecosystem restoration workers trained and employed.