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The waters flow from the crest to the sea, losing elevation but gaining time.  The Cascade Crest – Mt. McLaughlin and Mt. Mazama, the twin sentinels of eastern approaches – is youthful, vigorous, brawny … and obvious.          Flowing west into the Heart of the Knot, the great river is swallowed by the primal land, itself obscured by the mists of time.  Geologists call it “The Klamath Knot,” a landscape so complex, convoluted and chaotic as to appear almost indecipherable; either dream or nightmare, depending upon the voyager…          Charles Lane

What makes us so Wild about the Rogue?

Running Blossom Bar Rapid clean.

  Little Green Herons

  The stripes of a wild steelhead buck.

The maggots crawling in a dead, spawned out Chinook Salmon on the bank.

Watching an osprey circle, stall, dive, and catch a fish, only to be chased, harassed and bullied by a Bald Eagle who ultimately steals the Osprey’s fish.

The healing of the river where the dams have come out.

Bryan Sohl

Photo Credits:

  • Mt. McLoughlin,  Little Mountain 5, CC BY-SA 3.0, unedited
  • It’s the Mountains! Little Mountain 5, CC BY-SA 3.0, unedited
  • It’s the River! Jason Jaacks, Open Rivers Fund
  • It’s the Forests! Kyle Strauss, Strauss Ecological Services
  • It’s the Critters! Robert Warren
  • It’s the Native Fish! Jason Jaacks, Open Rivers Fund
  • It’s the Rapids! Bureau of Land Management
  • It’s the Public Lands! (Vesper Meadows)
  • It’s the Diversity! (Table Rock)
  • It’s the People! Rogue Basin Partnership
  • It’s all of the Above! Gregory Weber
  • Bridge over Rogue at Gold Beach, ©Bob at Bridge Ink.